Black Star Relief & Development: Up Ye Mighty Race!

September 17, 2017

The Black Star line needs to be reborn.

Many of you won’t know what that is…and that’s cool: that’s why you have me! LOL

In the 1920’s, the Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey had amassed a global membership of more than 12 million members in the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League. It scared a lot of people…a lot of White Supremacists and Lamb Chop’s Play Along Negroes who had a vested interest in protecting massa’s house.

The threat level jumped to an all-new level when Garvey proposed the Black Star Line: a shipping line that would connect the African Diaspora both as people and with the goods and tools necessary for development. It was a move toward independence and an ability for Black people worldwide, to help Black people worldwide.

The Black Star Line was the Key to Garvey’s Back to Africa Philosophy

But, “Back to Africa” wasn’t about all of us getting back on boats and migrating to Africa. Back to Africa was a way of thought…a way of life: a conception that has us look to the African Diaspora first. To look to ourselves for help, to be equipped to help ourselves, so we no longer are left waiting for the benevolence of malevolent people.

Similar to the Jewish/Zionist model – with Israel as their base and focus, “Back to Africa” is an ideology that would ultimately make Black lives matter throughout the world. (If you think it’s time to stop waiting and start making Black lives matter, download this free eBook)

This becomes of critical importance in these times of disaster.

As White supremacist greed compels Western Civilization to deny global warming in hopes to continue asserting Western hegemony, non-White people suffer. And in the relief efforts, the focus is always on rebuilding White areas, getting resources to White people, while non-White people are made to wait.

One of the many things Dr. King was spot on about is “Why We Can’t Wait.” The problem is, without our own way to provide relief and aid in development we have no choice but to wait.

That exploration is the focus of this episode, and the questions raised are important. So, I really hope you would click the banner & join the Facebook group so we can continue the discussion.

Black Power Facebook

Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

  1. Black Star Line
  2. Virgin Islands Worldwide
  3. American Black Cross

What are Your Thoughts?