At the Feet of the Elders: John Wills on Empowered Black Men

July 23, 2017

Our elders pave the way…it’s because of them that we are where we are…even if we aren’t there yet! LOL

There’s wisdom with the elders and we should take care to hear from them and learn from them. The wisdom must be deep with John Wills, who built the Black Empowered Men Facebook group to over TWENTY THOUSAND members!

We talked about the various reasons that went into him creating the group and his thoughts on what it means for Black men to be empowered. Of course, questions about forgiveness came up and Mr. Wills mentioned why he thought we – Black people – forgive too soon.

What do you think about forgiveness? What are your questions about it or struggles with it? I’d love to know your thoughts.

Share your questions on Forgiveness

What started as an opportunity to get to know the founder of such a prominent group, turned into a potential regular segment for Blacks with Power, “At the Feet of the Elders.”

Who knows…the name might change: what do you think?

Maybe a better format can be developed…

But, I think it’s important for us to take some time to listen to the elders and learn what they have to teach us about Black empowerment.

Speaking of the lessons from our elders…every Wednesday is Wisdom Wednesdays in the BWP Facebook Group! Share the quote that’s impacting you most, and be motivated by the quotes shared by others.

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Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

  1. The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements

What are Your Thoughts?